Greater Than>, an inequality between two values or a confusing little mark from primary school maths? This is symbol and its meaning is the source of inspiration for a curated collection of multidisciplinary work from the visual artists of Louth Craftmark.
“Sun rays” is a sky-scape painting painted in oil on linen canvas. It is a study of colour and light. I strived to depict the beauty of our natural world. I was captivated by the atmosphere and variety of colours of the sun rise sky. Sense of God presence in nature inspires me. Seeing Him in the colours, light, texture, forms of sky brings me thought that God is greater than anything in the world. I would like to invite the viewer to look at the world through the prism of God perfection.
“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shinning ever brighter till the full light of day”, Prv 4,18